Serve Medium to Long Term with World Outreach

Are you ready to go and serve God where he is calling you?

Imagine helping take the Gospel to people who have never heard it before. What an opportunity!

Medium to
Long term opportunities

When you participate in God's redemptive plan you experience the miracle of God at work. Join us on a trip that could change your life!

World Outreach’s purpose is to evangelise and disciple unreached people groups. It is a faith-based mission and does not fund projects or missionaries.

If you are interested in serving with World Outreach and joining our organisation, let us know more about you so we can help you take the next step.

Before filling in the below form, it is important that you understand who we are.

To do this read our Common Ground Document, which includes a section about Who We Are: About Us, Our Distinctives, Our Values, Our Statement of Faith and more.

It’s also important to know some of our policies, processes, and beliefs to ensure that you are comfortable working within them.

You can read the following sections from our Common Ground 2021 document: ‘How We Operate’ and ‘Joining World Outreach’.  There will be more to read throughout your application process.

Please fill in this enquiry form if you are considering serving with World Outreach for longer than 3 months. This form is not a formal application yet but is part of our pre-application process.

If you want to serve short-term (up to 3 months), please fill out our Short Term Opportunities Form.

If you are not sure yet and need more information first, please fill out our Talk to Us Form.

If the options on the form don’t match you well, don’t be concerned – choose the options that are as close as possible, and explain the rest in the “Comments or Questions” box below.

Serving Medium to Long-term Form

The First Steps in an Amazing Journey with God


join world outreach


World outreach

Since our inception, we have always had one focus — fulfilling the Great Commission. Are you already in ministry and want to partner with World Outreach? Let’s see what we can do together!


World outreach

World Outreach has over 240 cross-cultural workers ministering across the world. We provide guidance to help you identify the right field for ministry. There are many benefits of serving with an agency like World Outreach.