


We’ve set a goal to increase our prayer base to 10,000 people by 2025. Will you become one of our global prayer warriors?

Prayer that changes the world

Prayer for World Outreach’s field personnel is vital. By becoming a World Outreach prayer partner, each email you receive will highlight specific prayer points for key strategic issues.

Available in your choice of a daily, weekly, or monthly guide, you’ll be joining hundreds of Christians around the world in prayer for people on the front lines of ministry.

We invite and challenge you to support them in prayer. 

Here are a few ways you can do so…

Prayer Challenge

Monthly Prayer Guide

Each month our WO Prayer Coordinator sends out an email that will focus on a particular nation, unreached people group, or ministry. These emails will provide specific needs for you to pray through.


Frontline Prayer provides you with either daily or weekly, up-to-date prayer needs of our WO mission personnel and/or unreached people groups.

Daily Prayer Guide

A fresh prayer request for our field workers is either posted on the PrayerMate App or emailed to you each day. They come with a short written prayer so you can easily pray at home or on the go by receiving these updates.

Weekly Prayer Guide

If you choose to sign up for the weekly prayer guide, you will receive the daily bullet-point prayer requests once per week in your inbox. This is a great way to dedicate one day per week to praying for the needs of our field workers and/or unreached people groups.

When you commit to regular prayer, our missionaries are backed up and supported spiritually while facing challenges on the mission front.

Your prayer makes a difference!

Will you join the challenge and change the world through prayer?

Sign up to receive prayer emails below.

The small blue asterisk ‘ * ‘ denotes a required field on the form.
We’ve set a goal to increase our prayer base to 10,000 people by 2025, especially our Monthly Prayer Challenge. Why not join us and help change the world!

“Pray for me, too. Ask God to give me the right words so I can boldly explain God’s mysterious plan that the Good News is for Jews and Gentiles alike…pray that I will keep on speaking boldly for him, as I should.”

Ephesians 6:19-20, NLT