World Outreach article Archives

Category: Missions

You have reached the archive pages of the World Outreach website as you clicked on a category link within an article. We try to organsie and tag all our articles within specific categories to aid find a specific piece of writing or article of interest.

Forty Families Blessed

I knew I would never be the same again…I came face-to-face with how my life could best count for God.

The Birth of World Outreach

I knew I would never be the same again…I came face-to-face with how my life could best count for God.

Jesus, Zoom, & Prayer

In my church there is a Food programme and through it I have opportunity to share about Jesus and people start attending church.

Amazing things are Happening!

Amazing things are happening in the villages. Three weeks ago the daughter of the leader of 4 villages was prayed for and was healed just after the team left.

Testimonies of Hope

Despite the local COVID-19 cases, we are planning on doing a short internship with 2 men and a young woman for two and a half months.