World Outreach article Archives

Category: Asia

You have reached the archive pages of the World Outreach website as you clicked on a category link within an article. We try to organsie and tag all our articles within specific categories to aid find a specific piece of writing or article of interest.

Royal Connections

Farm-Fresh and Fabulous: Discover why our chickens and rabbits are stealing hearts and headlines!

Thirsting for Him

It was heart-warming to see these believers discover what it truly meant to have an authentic relationship with their heavenly Father.

Vows in Covenant

A beautiful ceremony. This is is the first marriage of new believers in the area that we know of.

Fruitful Leadership

We gave the delegates a toolbox of practical skills to take home, enabling them to further develop the leaders around them.

Mighty Woman of God

World Outreach lost one of its longest-serving missionaries this past November when our dear friend and colleague, Vijaya Chowdhuri, passed away.

God is Faithful

We see the beautiful expression of cultivating God’s faithfulness in the once-stark land.

Awareness of Him

God has graciously given each culture awareness of Him. Local worshippers wear a woven bracelet of 3 colours; white, black and red…

Reaching Thailand

“Come and join us in Thailand. I asked God to send me to the most difficult country to reach with the gospel! We need your help!”