We are a values-driven organisation. Our personnel function with these distinctive core values as guiding principles.
Our values also guide World Outreach in personnel and partnership selection, and they allow our leaders to provide help, direction, and, where necessary, correction, in terms of decision-making and ministry operation.
Our Values
Faith & Initiative
We believe that God has called us to serve him responsibly with faith, vision and initiative. We therefore value the specific callings and ministry vision that he has given to our personnel. Len Jones, our Founder, believed and proved that great things could be accomplished through faith and prayer.
Teamwork & Relationships
We recognise that Christian ministry is always accomplished in relationship with others and that spiritual gifts are given to different members of the Body. We therefore value every effort to work together harmoniously and to maintain the unity of the Holy Spirit. We also value team ministry and working partnerships with other missions agencies and various expressions of Christ’s Body for God-honouring outcomes.
The Body of Christ
Jesus Christ is building his church from people out of every nation, tribe, people and language. We therefore value the Body of Christ and seek to do all that we can to encourage, strengthen, equip and challenge believers from every nation to help fulfil Christ’s Great Commission. We seek to intentionally foster transformational church planting movements among unreached peoples.
Leadership & Accountability
We believe that God has made Jesus Christ the Head of all. He has also placed leaders in WOI to model his lifestyle as servant leaders, and also to provide support, advice, appropriate direction, supervision and a point of accountability to the ministry. We therefore value those whom God has called to leadership in our teams, fields, regions and international oversight.
Flexibility & Innovation
We recognise that Biblical principles are inviolate but in an ever-changing world, ministry methods must change in order to meet needs and cultural distinctives. We therefore value willingness to change methods and practices when necessary to accomplish God’s vision and purpose.
Integrity & Stewardship
We are deeply conscious that all we have and are has been given to us by God and that one day we will give an account to him of the way that we have managed this trust. We therefore value the personnel and resources that he has entrusted to us. We believe that Jesus has called us to serve him with honesty and sincerity – always seeking to bring honour and glory to his Name. We therefore value an exemplary lifestyle and every effort to maintain integrity in word and deed.
Spirituality & Character Development
We believe it is crucial that every believer maintains a vibrant personal relationship with Jesus Christ and diligently seeks to become more Christ-like in character. We value the importance of daily prayer, fasting, studying the Word of God and regular worship. We encourage the use of a variety of tools and methods to better understand ourselves and others we minister with. In addition, we place a high dependence on the gifts of the Holy Spirit functioning in our lives and ministries. We therefore expect God to work miraculously on our behalf as we continually seek the anointing of the Holy Spirit.
Our Distinctives
Unreached People Group (UPG) Focus
WOI’s primary distinctive is its focus on unreached people groups. This distinctive governs everything WOI does. The vast majority of its activities, initiatives, ministries, services and structures support and work towards the end goal of evangelising and discipling UPGs.
UPGs are predominantly found within the main cultural and religious blocs of the majority world, but are increasingly found in urban and migrant communities all over the world. WOI accepts missionaries for both of these contexts in which UPGs are located, including those located in the field worker’s home country.
Field-Driven Initiatives
The vision, strategies and ministry initiatives to reach a particular UPG come primarily from the field workers, who understand the culture, language, context and needs of the UPG.
Intercultural & Intergenerational
WOI values cultural and generational diversity at all levels of leadership and ministry. Therefore, leadership appointments are intentionally made to reflect this value.
The Holy Spirit in Gospel ministry
WOI has a complete dependence upon the enabling, power and gifts of the Holy Spirit to accomplish its mission to the UPGs.
Affirm women in ministry & leadership
WOI embraces the role of women in ministry and leadership. Scripture views women and men as equal in value and portrays women fulfilling various ministry and spiritual roles. On the Day of Pentecost, Peter announced the fulfilment of Joel’s prophecy that a new age had arrived where both men and women alike would be empowered by the Holy Spirit for ministry (Acts 2:17-18)