Children’s Ministry

Children are often most at risk from war, epidemics, crop failure, or endemic poverty – with 600 million children living in absolute poverty.

We are committed to rescuing and protecting children from exploitation, harm, and destitution. We do this by providing safe living environments, medical care, education, and social programmes to help give children a hope and a future.

Let the Children Come...

In most nations in the developing world, children form more than 50% of the population. Children are often most at risk from war, epidemics, crop failure, or endemic poverty – with 600 million children living in absolute poverty.

World Outreach also conducts hundreds of outreaches in schools, communities, and churches, and provide correspondence courses and Sunday School curricula that introduce children to Jesus Christ.

Above all, we pray that the children and their families will encounter Jesus and be transformed into God-fearing believers and followers of his Word.

World Outreach is committed to sharing the Good News of the Gospel with the world’s children, discipling them, and providing loving and supportive care.

Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children.

Matthew 19:14

Our Passion

Evangelism and Discipleship that meet the spiritual needs of children

Holistic ministries that meet physical, emotional, & developmental needs of children

World Outreach has adopted comprehensive Child Safety Policies and Procedures that are consistent with the Child Safety and Protection Network Best Practice Standards / Elements.

Can You Help?

Your donation will allow our Children’s Ministry to continue rescuing and protecting children from exploitation, harm, and destitution.

Funds given to Children’s Ministry on the donation form above will go to our World Outreach offices in the USA. To give to another World Outreach country office please use the following link:

Some of Our Projects Focussed on Children's Ministry

Mount Hope Training Centre

Good News Team Thailand

New Hope Children’s Home


Raising Leaders

We are committed to the ongoing development and discipleship of leaders across the majority world.


Evangelism & Church Planting

We actively share the Gospel and empower people to plant churches.


All Nations Mobilisation

We are passionate to see Christians encouraged, equipped, and mobilised to make disciples among their own people.


Children's Ministry

We are dedicated to sharing the Good News with the world’s children, then discipling them, and providing loving and supportive care.


Humanitarian Aid

We are committed to combining practical compassion with the hope of Jesus.