Partnering with a new intercultural generation of younger workers by equipping them to effectively take the Good News to the nations
We believe that the Great Commission is for all generations and that it provides different pathways for ministry involvement. A number of effective training programmes have been developed to better prepare people for cross-cultural service.
mobilising the church
We are committed to raise up and partner with a new intercultural generation of younger workers by equipping them to effectively take the Good News to other unreached, near-neighbour communities, as well as to other regions of the world.
The idea of ‘sending countries’ (nations that send missionaries) and ‘receiving countries’ (nations traditionally regarded as the ‘mission field’) reflects a past era of mission. Today, vibrant churches exist in nearly every country of the world, as do the world’s remaining unreached people groups.
World Outreach is mobilising the church for missions in over seventy nations in Africa, Asia, Europe, the South Pacific, and Latin America. We are dedicated to helping the church in all parts of the world become meaningfully and strategically involved in reaching the final frontiers of Christian mission.
Can You Help?
Your donation will allow our All Nations Mobilisation Ministry to raise up and partner with new intercultural generations and help us continue to make disciples among people of other cultures.
Funds given to All Nations Mobilisation on the donation form above will go to our World Outreach offices in the USA. To give to another World Outreach country office please use the following link:
Some of Our Projects Focussed on All Nations Mobilisation Training
Didasko Academy
Didasko Academy offers free, online, video-based, inter-cultural ministry training, presenting an in-depth overview of the world of missions.
Nations Course
The six-week Nations Course has been developed to equip new missionaries with tools to ensure their first term is successful and fruitful. The course is also valuable for missionaries already on the field.
The Kairos Course
Do you want to know more about missions so you can discover your part to play in the growth of God’s kingdom worldwide? Look at our world from God’s perspective!
Raising Leaders
We are committed to the ongoing development and discipleship of leaders across the majority world.
Evangelism & Church Planting
We actively share the Gospel and empower people to plant churches.
All Nations Mobilisation
We are passionate to see Christians encouraged, equipped, and mobilised to make disciples among their own people.
Children's Ministry
We are dedicated to sharing the Good News with the world’s children, then discipling them, and providing loving and supportive care.
Humanitarian Aid
We are committed to combining practical compassion with the hope of Jesus.