The Ripple Effect of Spiritual Awakening

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New Life and Transformation

Neighbours Drawn to Christ Through a Powerful Testimony

Every month, Miss J embarks on a 9 1/2 hour bus journey to visit jails where she has been granted the favour to work. During one of her visits, a lady asked for prayer, but due to the nature of the work, Miss J could only return a month later. When she came back, the lady had an incredible testimony to share.

The lady revealed that she had been thrown into prison by her landlord’s wife, who falsely accused her of sleeping with her husband. In prison, the lady discovered that she was pregnant but had taken pills to abort the baby. However, she experienced severe pains and decided to ask Miss J for prayer. Unaware of the details of the lady’s situation, Miss J entrusted her to the Lord, and to their amazement, the pains stopped, and the pregnancy continued without complications.

Later, a healthy baby was born, and the lady committed her life to Christ. Miss J’s prayers had been answered, even though she had no idea about the details of the situation. This amazing miracle is a testimony to the power of prayer and the sovereignty of God.

Since then, the lady has been eager to learn more about Jesus, and Miss J and her team regularly visit her each week. Her neighbours have also shown interest in learning more about Christ, and there is a growing openness in the neighbourhood. This testimony is a reminder that God can work through our prayers and that He is always in control.

As we celebrate this miracle, let us praise God for His goodness and faithfulness.

Author: World Outreach

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