This is a big year for World Outreach. We’re celebrating our 90th anniversary as a Mission Agency. To celebrate this anniversary, we’re going to be looking back at our heritage through our 2022 Nations Issues.
We enthusiastically invite you to join us as we take you on a journey from our humble, faith-filled beginnings to be poised at one of the most pivotal moments in modern day missions
protecting and nurturing children
World Outreach values children and endeavours to be proactive in protecting and nurturing children. We want to ensure we provide safe and positive environments in which they grow in all locations, facilities and ministries related to World Outreach.
“Well God I guess it’s just you and me today.”
“Well God I guess it’s just you and me today,” said six-year-old Josiah as he faced changes to the routine of entering school due to Covid restrictions.
God loves kids! Children are valued by God and Jesus demonstrated this by encouraging the disciples to bring the children to him and blessing them. Jesus also said that how a child accepts him and interacts with him is the example of how our relationship with God needs to be. Mark 10:14-15 Just like Josiah, “It’s just you and me today God.”
As we welcome children, we are also welcoming Jesus and God his Father. Isn’t that incredible!
Children in Everyday Life
Jesus met children as part of his everyday life. He wasn’t attending a special children’s programme and speaking to the leaders, he was going about his day and parents wanted to bring their children to him.
Each one of us interact with children in our families, our neighbourhood and community, our ministry, our church. We are parents, aunties, uncles, grand- parents, friends, neighbours, leaders, carers, and so much more.
Children are part of everyday life. That is why World Outreach believes that protecting children is the responsibility of every adult within our community.
That is why World Outreach believes that protecting children is the responsibility of every adult within our community,
(This article can also be found in our Nations Magazine – Issue 1, 2022. Do you want to discover more about the World Outreach Nation Magazine? Take a look here.)