Witnessing God's Love in Times of Crisis

We value and recognise our financial partners as an indispensable part of our work among the unreached people groups.

Please consider our Relief Activities in Northern Syria today.

Your contribution, their restoration

United in faith, healing through action.

Recent earthquakes in Southern Turkey and Northern Syria have devastated communities already suffering from years of civil conflict. In response to this urgent crisis, our mission partner has joined with four local churches to provide much-needed relief to those affected. The impact of these earthquakes has been so severe that survivors report feeling more traumatized than they did during the nine years of civil conflict that preceded the natural disasters.

Providing Essential Relief

Recognising the situation, local churches have taken action to offer a safe haven and essential supplies to affected individuals and families. This relief effort includes provisions such as food, clothing, shelter, and medical care. Their compassionate response has touched the lives of over 1,500 families and has become a powerful testament to the love of God.

Continuing the Ministry

The mission partner and the local churches are dedicated to continuing their support for the impacted communities in the coming months. By extending their ministry, they aim to provide ongoing care, assistance, and guidance to the affected families. Together, they are determined to help these displaced individuals rebuild their lives, heal from trauma, and find hope for the future.

Join Our Cause

If you would like to contribute to our projects aimed at assisting Displaced People Groups in the wake of these earthquakes, we invite you to give today. Your support can make a significant difference in bringing relief, comfort, and restoration to those who have been most severely affected.

Author: World Outreach

Your support can make a significant difference in bringing relief, comfort, and restoration to those who have been most severely affected.